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Who benefited from Beirut explosions?

The aftermath of the August 4 explosions at the port of Lebanon’s capital Beirut. (Getty Images)

By Mark Dankof

There's an article in the UNZ review that basically underscores my own thinking on this whole question of who is behind what happened in Beirut. The article is entitled The US, Israel, and Beirutshima.

Basically, when we start asking ourselves who benefited by the explosion that took place in Beirut, it's very clear that it is Israel who benefits by this. And it is the United States, who in the short term benefits by this.

And when I say that I go back to the points made in this article, one is it's clear that Israel has been trying to denude Lebanon for a very long period of time, and to destroy the very significant opposition that Hezbollah poses for Israel both in Lebanon, and in Israel's desire to expand its own borders north, as well as the whole issue of these of the Shia Crescent between Iran and the current Alawite regime in Syria, and Hezbollah. Israel has wanted a strike at that.

And it seems that when we start looking at this whole thing geopolitically, this article that I made reference to at the UNZ review also points out the strikes at China, and China's attempts to create what has been an incredibly successful attempt up to now at a New Silk Road trade route, which would even expand Chinese presence and Chinese effectiveness in their trade routes in the eastern Mediterranean. The United States would benefit by an interruption of that.

So we start looking at the circumstances of who benefited. It's a situation very similar to 9/11. Once we get past the question of who did it. In terms of the immediate plot itself, we start getting into who benefited and Bibi Netanyahu put his finger on the pulse of the whole thing when he actually admitted at the time that the 9/11 attacks in New York, were "a very good thing for Israel.”

I would argue that the attack on Beirut, and I believe that this was an attack that this was, in fact, something that it is quote-unquote “very good for Israel” and very good for the pro-Israel faction in the United States which controls our government, and which is also aiming these activities at reducing a Chinese trade influence in the region.

So that's my take on what is likely behind this. I think in the case of the Hariri assassination trial that we get into the whole question of who benefited from that assassination. I think we're right back to the same thing so I was, I was saying about who benefited from an explosion in a Beirut. I do not believe that Hezbollah was behind the death of Hariri. I think the Zionists had every reason to want Hariri out of the way.

And it just goes even more deeply into all of their machinations in Lebanon, for many, many years including what happened in the Sabra Shatila refugee camps in 1982, and the whole issue of their fight with Hezbollah in the 2006 timeframe in Lebanon, where things did not go well for Israel in that battle. So what looks like a delay in the Hariri trial outcome based upon what happened last week and Beirut would only seem to benefit one faction in terms of keeping that whole Hariri issue on the back burner and keeping it out of public purview and public eyesight once again.

The other angle on this thing which bears greater examination is the whole issue of how this ammonium nitrate got to that warehouse to begin with, and how it was stored there, how it could possibly have been stored there for six or seven years. And in that regard, we have a vessel that was basically traveling from Georgia to Mozambique under a Moldovan flag that had a Russian captain, or a Russian ship owner, directing its passageway into what proved to be a diversion to the port of Beirut. This bears further examination in terms of that ship, in terms of the Russian who owned that ship and the company that owned that ship at that time. And the whole issue of the passageway the route that was taken, that's had that vessel starting out from Georgia in fact, heading toward Mozambique, only to be suddenly diverted to Beirut, that the length of time that these materials were stored in that port, and who was it that then to basically control that warehouse.

These are all a part of the ongoing mystery, although I once again will say what was said in this article that I refer to that has been published by the UNZ review. I don't think Hezbollah was stupid enough to have a facility storage facility like that in the port of Beirut where it would be absolutely vulnerable to sabotage.

And of course, the story in the mainstream media is that Hezbollah may have had something to do with the storage of that ammonium nitrate. They're in that facility that warehouse facility for six years. I think their leadership is smarter than that they've proven that up to now, and with all of the opportunities that they would have had to have hidden this place far more remote and distant locations in Lebanon than right out there in that Beirut port. I think there's an awful lot to that aspect of the story that remains to be answered as well.

Is there a connection to Hariri assassination trial?    

Absolutely there could be a connection and I'll give you just a couple of classic examples of how this works in American government. Clearly all of the things that disappeared in the wake of the official investigation of President John F. Kennedy's death in this country in 1963 would be proof positive of the fact that corrupt governments work in that fashion. After all the president's brain itself was somehow mysteriously removed from the National Archives, then you have a more recent situation, of course, involving the supposed suicide of Vince Foster the chief legal officer for President Bill Clinton at that time.

And in that particular case Foster's supposed suicide, which a lot of questions relating to that whole issue whether or not he actually killed himself or was murdered with the body being transported to Fort Marcy Park, but then there was also a sanitizing of Foster's office that took place before any investigators were allowed to come there where you had Maggie Williams, the chief of staff to Mrs. Hillary Clinton, who basically sealed off Foster's office where it is known that a lot of documents and other potentially incriminating material was removed before any federal investigators were allowed access to that part of the building so that this sort of thing goes on all the time sadly enough.

And it seems to me when we start talking about this whole question of the Prime Minister of Lebanon, and all these other things related to the Hariri assassination, and a series of other machinations that may involve the current type of government in that country documents have a way of disappearing in circumstances like this, especially with the amount of public pressure that is now on the Prime Minister of Lebanon in the wake of what has happened down in this tragedy at Beirut.

Mark Dankof, a former US Senate candidate, is a broadcaster and pastor in San Antonio, Texas. He recorded this article for the Press TV website.

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